Team Wally
A discussion of the project as it relates to some of the things we talked about For example, do you think While working with Wally we were able to relate some of our class discussion to this. For example, even though Wally has a brain it is not conscious, the reason for it not being conscious is due to the lack of emotions, dreams, and inner speech. We could argue that since it has motors and sensors it would be able to feel sensation however it has no process of understanding emotion. So it is not conscious, or intelligent. Based on the definition of intelligence, which is having knowledge in applying, We believe the robot is not, however, the human who programmed it is. Due to the robot not having its own knowledge and problem-solving skill, it lacks the requirements to be intelligent. A robot does have a mind, where it stores information, but not a mind with a conscience. During, this project our opinion stayed the same. We believe AI can do amazing, things however it will only reach optimized "success" when humans advance AI to that level. However, we as humans can not reach that goal if we don't all come together and set a goal. and begin to understand human consciences.